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A Living Gift

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As a child, I had an insatiable curiosity about everything that lives. All animals were interesting and lovely; fear was not part of 'my dictionary of Life,' although ants and spiders sometimes took on terrifying giant forms in my dreams. With my father, I ventured into nature; together, we watched birds and searched for eggs. We also hugged a lot. Transferring toads and banding barn owls with the forest ranger was an annual and festive event. The deeply rooted Love for Nature, along with my bubbling joyful energy and vivid imagination, pulled me out of many dark swamps. Swamps from which my parents could have protected and even extracted me as a small human, had they been brave enough to stand up for their Child. They couldn't; they were trapped in their own mental frames and emotional traumas due to their own significant traumas. I can now look at them with Love. It has taught me to 'take responsibility' and ultimately even to Love my shadows and tame their Power into a Protector.

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And then there were the dolphins, which my great-grandfather Eibert den Herder, together with his brother Frits, brought to Harderwijk; the Dolphinarium led me to choose Marine Biology in Haren. Unfortunately, there was no focus on dolphins and whales. An arrogant boyfriend made me so insecure about myself that I eventually switched to Medicine. The route that followed is incomprehensible to many. For details, I refer to my curriculum vitae. The ENT taught me to conduct research and write scientific articles, but above all that I had 'golden hands' in the operating room and loved taking care of people. Unfortunately, I already encountered top-tier academic narcissism. My decision to quit after five years and switch careers to a hair surgeon in a private clinic led me to 'the Love of my Life.' At that moment, the experience was born that when you close a door out of self-compassion, something much more beautiful awaits you as a reward for this action.

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The realization that life is truly entirely interwoven with love and originates from love has only recently penetrated my consciousness as truth. We are our own living gifts! Before I could name this, I first had to go through a lot of injustice, perversity, and abuse in the conventional medical world. A world where I increasingly felt out of place and was violently ejected from by a terribly difficult pregnancy that kept me bedridden for six months. My joy and gratitude knew no bounds when I held our first son in my arms. New life born through my body! Our living gift as the crowning achievement of our love for each other. What a marvel: LIFE!

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Shortly after the birth of our first son, I entered the illusory yet powerful world of microscopy, which always seems to demand the final word: pathology! Illusory because I only now realize that the Lens through which the Light falls determines what we see, and that an infinite amount of what is unseen does indeed exist... and that we will gradually learn to decode this again, because we will free ourselves from limiting beliefs that have clouded our lens. We will rediscover that we have Free Will and that there are Universal Laws that connect us to a greater consciousness; our current narrow ego-consciousness is merely an illusion of the left part of our brain, which likes to organize, focus, create systems, and control. The creative right part of our brain allows us to connect with a completely different world; a world in which everything is 'seen', which communicates with us in images and symbols; a reality that is just as true! And then there are other brains such as the Brain of our Heart and our Gut and our Pelvis. Worlds worth exploring!


With 'the Return to Life', I want to inspire people to be open and willing to perceive reality in a different way; different from the current beliefs with which we think we understand Life. It is about stepping back into wonder and surrender to the Laws and Miracles of Nature. Being in the loving field that Dolphins and Whales create frees something within you that is unpredictable beforehand, but that it is beautiful and valuable to you is certain. I wish you a harmonious experience with yourself and these very intelligent and loving beings of the Ocean. The rest will follow naturally.

In addition to facilitating a fantastic encounter, I bring myself. Believe me, 'never a dull moment'. There is always something to discover or experience. Dare to Dream and Step into 'The Sagara-Journey'.




© 2024 Indy Niedlich den Herder  ~  Liv Lux Health

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